Target Audience Theories - Richard Dyer’s Theory

Richard Dyer's music video theory is as follows:

"A star is an image constructed from a range of materials"

This "range of materials" can be defined as any of these:

  • The songs and their lyrical themes
  • The album covers and how they represent the artist
  • Media coverage ranging from interviews to tabloid gossip
  • Live performances and the image shown on stage
  • The music videos
A star's image is not how an artist actually looks, believes and behaves but instead a fictitious star perceived by the audience and the characteristics that represent them. Music promotion (eg: Music videos, music magazine adverts, album covers etc.) often contribute to the largest proportion of a star's images. Within these media texts, an artist can establish their own iconography such as costumes, hair and makeup styles and settings. These are what will essentially define them. Here are some examples:

Nicki Minaj and the colour pink:

Slipknot and their masks:

Lady Gaga and her crazy blonde hair:

Katy Perry and her association with confectionery due to her hit single, California Girls:

Miley Cyrus and her on-stage twerking: 

Obviously iconography can and will vary artist to artist depending on their opinions, influences, power, target audience and genre. Stars will often represent shared cultural values and attitudes and will promote certain ideology. Audience interest in these values enhances their 'star quality', and it is through conveying beliefs, ideas and opinions outside music that performers help create their star persona.

I will be creating a solo female artist. She will be part of the pop genre but will also appeal to audiences associated with dirty pop, hip-hop and dance. This means that she will share the values and beliefs that artists across those genres do but also perform and appear similarly too. In my music video, the artist will have a distinct appearance to stand out from the other artists in the genres. However, conventions used in pop, hip hop and dance music videos will be used, developed and challenged in my own.