The album cover of “The Dark Side of the Moon” by
Pink Floyd depicts a ray of light refracting through a prism into the spectrum
of colours. Behind this is a plain black background. This album cover is
catching to the eye due to its colourful nature and simplistic design. The
cover of the album is very simple but reflects (no pun intended) the title of
the album "The Dark Side of the Moon" well. The cover visually
displays this metaphor whereby the left hand side of the prism is "The
Dark Side”. On the reverse side, we see the track list on the album. Track
number 8. “Any Colour You Like” is directly related to the cover design of the
album and this is a common convention in the music industry (ie. The design of
the front cover of the album usually visually depicts a particular song on it-
Some even share the same name.) The font used on the back is simple and plain
with the song names in capital letters and the length of the track also. The
text is white which highly contrasts the black background which wraps around
the product. I believe this has been done largely done so the information on
the back can be easily read. Other information is provided in the brackets
below in lowercase letters. These are the names of the people in the band Pink
Floyd who featured in that certain track. Features such as the barcode and
record labels can be seen which have their own place at the bottom underneath
the tracks. On spines of the CD, the name of the artist and album feature in
capital letters which are also in white to match the scheme of the design. This
is featured as users can identify the album in a collection without having to
take it out and look on the cover or back.