Target Audience Research- Our Chosen Genre

When deciding what genre to do our music in, I discussed with my group what sort of music we all listen to.

Me: Listens to a variety of genres but especially enjoys pop punk and chip-tune. HATES classical.
Jakarta: Listens to indie, pop punk and pop.
Kyle: Listens to rock music and bands.
Sam: Listens to dance and electronica music.

We thought as we all listen to and know the pop genre well, it would be good to do create our own pop music video. Although pop punk was another common music genre some of us listened to, we chose pop over it as some members didn't enjoy that type of music. Other factors such as getting a band to perform/available on call for us could be tricky in the future and made the judgement that pop would be more appropriate.
We have already started to think about who would star in the video. Jakarta was the main character in the Preliminary Task and she was enthusiastic about playing another solo character. We will start to look at solo female pop artists so we can develop our understanding of what to expect from them and who specifically the target audience are.