Research and Planning- Specific Analysis of Mise-en-Scene
Lily Allen and P!nk were two artists that our target audience told us that we should take a look at. This is because of the similarities they share with the artist of our chosen song, Tove Lo, who fall into the 'Dirty Pop' sub-genre. This sub-genre includes pop artists that are commonly shown to be bending the rules, doing what they want/having fun or otherwise acting anarchistically. We have looked at some of the mise-en-scene features in particular as inspiration and some 'food-for-thought' as to what should be expected in a video in this category.
Lily Allen: (Smile) Clothing/Makeup: Lily wears relatively revealing clothing such as dresses and low cropped tops showing off her legs and chest. Although not considered "slutty", we see the artist attract the male gaze from the audience. She instantly becomes the protagonist, despite being shown in the narrative as a disruptive and sadistic character, causing her ex-boyfriend trouble for no good reason other than pleasure. The artist wears lots of jewellery including necklaces, earrings, rings and bangles emphasising the exhibitionism theory and the powerful status of the independent women- she is free to wear what she wants as well as look her best. Bright makeup further supports this. Lily wears trainers during the video which is appropriate as she is in an urban environment. If she was in a muddy field, she would be wearing a pair of wellington boots. This shows that even the most insignificant part of a costume can make the artist in place or out of place. Lighting:
The video is almost always consisting of natural, high key lighting either directly from the sky or through curtains subsequently illuminating the bedroom. The only low key lighting seen in this video is when evening sets in or when the boyfriend is in the club, where the lighting is deliberately dark. Screen enactment/Behaviour:
The artist seems rather passive in the video and does not take out actions against her ex herself, apart from the laxative part. Instead, she gets other people to do the horrible things but has an equally satisfying experience tormenting him from a distance. Lily Allen is shown to be a cunning puppeteer of mischief.
P!nk: (So What) Clothing/Makeup:
P!nk wears similar revealing clothing to Lily Allen showing off her legs and chest. As well as attracting the male gaze, P!nk appeals to the punk/rock genre too as with her short straightened hair and tattoos. Parts of her costumes in this video such as the flared trousers is an intertextual reference to the rock eras of the 1960-70s. She wears wristbands, rings and piercings throughout the video which conforms more with the rock genre but also emphasises the attitude she is trying to represent. Lighting: The lighting is mainly high key lighting again but also has low key lighting and shadows when representing the nightlife. This seems to feature in many pop videos where we see the artist during the daytime and evening. There is artificial lighting when she is framed with her "boyfriend" in the studio however, the majority of it is natural. Screen enactment/Behaviour:
The artist is very violent, shows lots of attitude and strong emotion.