The selection of a dressing gown/ towel was simple as we needed to emphasise to the audience that it was the morning and the artist has just gotten out of the shower.
RED DRESS (First Bar Scene):

GREY PLAY-SUIT (Toilet/Second Bar Scene):
The play-suit is a very small and light costume. The character remains hidden with no excessive body parts being shown (ie. the chest). This ensures that there is still some sex appeal to the audience but that the character remains classy. This is important as we don't want the character to come across as trashy or lascivious; we want to assure the audience that she is still portrayed as the hedonistic, powerful woman that she is.
BLACK FLOOR LENGTH DRESS (Third Bar Scene/Poker Scene):
We would like to use this black floor length dress for our last bar scene and for the duration of the poker scene. We particularly like how professional and sophisticated it looks which is how we want to represent the character in these scenes. The embroidery/design on the chest can be seen as seductive as it shows/highlights the user's chest. This is beneficial to us as we are aiming our product at the 17-25 aged pop target audience, both male and female. The dress we appeal to the males in the audience especially, drawing the male gaze to the attractive female- a convention from Laura Mulvey's audience theory.

By wearing black tights, the female character remains concealed. Black is a secretive/mysterious colour but we do not want to misrepresent her as a flashy or revealing person. She is a very deceitful character who engages in various cons in a hedonistic fashion. She uses her classed and charm effectively to get what she wants. She doesn't use her body to do this but her attractive figure helps draw her marks in.

BLACK HIGH-HEELS (Throughout most scenes):
We liked the black high heels as it emphasises her power and authority. The shoes she wears are stiletto shoes with a large platform. This gives the female height and makes her feel more controlling over the current situations- this visual leverage implies she has the upper hands when she is conning her targets too.

BLACK HIGH-HEELS (Throughout most scenes):
We liked the black high heels as it emphasises her power and authority. The shoes she wears are stiletto shoes with a large platform. This gives the female height and makes her feel more controlling over the current situations- this visual leverage implies she has the upper hands when she is conning her targets too.