Target Audience Research- Survey Results

Over the past few days, I have been researching into the pop genre and its target audience. Pop mainly focuses on the music and the feeling it exerts rather than specific emphasis on the lyrics. Despite this, lyrics in the chorus tend to be short and catchy. 

This is all relevant however, I needed to go further into detail about who the target audience are. Who does Pop mostly appeal to? What age? Why? etc.
For example, Katy Perry will appeal late teenaged females because of relatable lyrics in her songs; Lady Gaga will appeal to gay men as she campaigns for LGBT rights; Rihanna has the largest audience with straight males and females 17 to 25 due to the sex appeal in her videos and very catchy chorus'. She also sings with lots of other artists attracting members of a wider audience.  

I created this quick questionnaire and took results from three different people.

Purple = A 13 year old girl.
Blue = A 16 year old boy.
Red = A 20 year old woman.


1. Here we identify that teenaged boys, girls and young women listen to pop music.

2. Here we are given artists that we can later analyse to see why exactly those videos are their favourites.

3. Here we find out that the teenaged boy enjoys videos with exhibitionism/voyeurism, the teenaged girl likes videos about love stories and the young women likes videos about partying.

4. By definition, the teenaged girl is the closest to identifying what Pop music is. The young women's definition is deformed by her opinion and the teenaged boy has accidentally defined dance music.

5. Here we are given some ideas as to what a pop music video usually includes in terms of narrative.

6. None said CD's/vinyls which means that their collections are stored digitally.

A. The teenaged boy and young woman had heard the song before. Interestingly, the video contains voyeurism and partying, both of which were identified in question 3.

B. All offer various but relevant interpretations of the song meaning. The teenaged boy and girl say the song is about the illustrative features of the video (drinking alcohol/partying) but the young woman says it is about a metaphorical feature of the video (friendships)

C. All agree that the song would be suitable in a bar/club setting.

D. This gives us some ideas of what the Target Audience expects from our lyrics.

[NOTE: Please note that I have used these results to start to identify particular members of the target audience. Some statements have been generalised for this sake.]