To find out what the current Target Audience thought of the official
music video, I looked through the YouTube comments below our music video, Habits (stay High) Tove Lo. The
results contrasted, with various people finding the video indecent and unnecessary stereotypical and other viewers believing it has a very inspirational, meaningful message behind it. Completing this, I have found this to be very beneficial for me to help identify what kind of people are interest in the product and how the product can be interpreted.

There are slight references but nothing specific is
mentioned and therefore people just assume that 'high' is her being on drugs
instead of just being metaphorically high (or just feeling happy) of the atmosphere and the actual events themselves.

The viewers believe that the video would have meant more if the video was more illustrative instead of metaphorical; but that could be seen as boring and predictable by the music industry and would not have the got the same amount of attention this one did.
Racism and/or Sexism are sometimes present in pop music videos
due to the topics having such a huge influence on the current generation. Some viewers have realised that everyone interprets the video differently and therefore we should not judge what others think or believe. We are a
very judgemental society, and the female artist acting carelessly and
rebellious is not accepted because we do not believe a girl should be acting like this.

Viewers may connect with the video due to it being related
to such a common topic, break up or loss. The only difference is that they are
react a different way. By creating such a vulnerable character, the audience
pity her and feel attached to her as you either relate to what she has been
through or you wish you could help in some way. Therefore it is engaging the
viewers on a more personal levels due to the realism in the video.

Men, stereotypically tend to focus on the actual visual
aspect, such as the way a female character looks. This is known as the male gaze and is a part of the Exhibitionism audience theory. Yet some men have looked more in depth and feel for the
character. This is due to the idea of females getting hurt
easily and being vulnerable. They suggest that events like a loss or a break up
have more of an impact of women than men and therefore understand that they
will react very differently from them.